This Copperhead was between the logs of the smokehouse in the Cable Mill area of Cades Cove. After I photographed this snake we walked around some more, and as we came back I saw a man right up at the logs peeping between the cracks. He was one log down and about 6 inches to the left of this snake. I showed him where the snake was, to try to keep him from being bitten. The sign is in the doorway of the smokehouse.
Although these photos are fantastic everyone knows by now......I don't like snakes. Seriously I can barely look at pics of them without feeling sick, I keep trying though.
Yikes! That man could have wound up with a snoot full of snake bite! Maybe the signs need to be bigger, or maybe folks need to pay attention and READ!
Hi Leedra,
We were there last fall and again this spring, but I'm glad we missed this! Love the Cades Cove area! Next time I will look out for the snake.
So scary! Once, touring the fort where Geronimo had been interred in Fl, our young daughter said quite calmly, "Look, there's a snake." and right at her eye level curled up in the rocks was indeed a snake. Not sure what kind it was, but the moment was unnerving!
what a cool snake! very nice!
You have some very nice photos on your blog. I am on my way to your website to look there also.
Scary! I saw a copperhead once when I was growing up in Texas. (Shudder...)
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! I have only just browsed this page of yours but I can't wait to look through your archives. The butterfly and flower pictures are just beautiful.
Great photos of the snake - I think I would've been running from them!
Leedra: Snakes bother me and when they are poisonous, forget it.
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