Friday, September 4, 2009

Leedra's Delight Daylily

Nature created this new daylily in my yard about 6 or 7 years ago, so I named it Leedra's Delight. I think it is probably a mix between Leprechauns Wealth and Happy Returns, but since nature (the bees, I assume) took care of the creation I really don't know. I have divided it several times and given starts to friends. It starts blooming early and is still blooming with the last daylilies of the season. My daylilies are just about gone, but I still see new buds being set everyday.
I have 2 pages of daylily photographs on my website, to view them click here and here.
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  1. Yes, her friends have a start of this dayliliy and I love it. It is so pretty when it blooms.

  2. These are truly wonderful photographs! I shall enjoy following.


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